Thursday, November 1, 2012

free barbie summer glasses and earing

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-If you don't live in UK, Follow these steps
1)Go to UK proxy site like - OR OR
2)Paste this club link in the Web Address/http bar on the proxy

3)Click Go or Press Enter on keyboard
4)Log in stardoll
You should be automatically joined to the club --in case you aren't:
Refresh the club page OR Open a new tab, Close the proxy, and Go again to proxy and re-follow the steps
5)Now on proxy's Address bar Paste this link:
6)ClickGo or Press Enter
7)You will be redirected to page, Wait till it loads
8)Close/Leave the proxy and Go to stardoll as usual
Sunglasses should be in giftbox and Earrings in a Barbie bag your suite [:

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